Tips On Finding The Perfect Home - Bernshtam

The market is booming, prices are growing, and housing loans are gaining popularity. Until recently, our city was not urgently urgently in need of new homes; but now the construction industry has become extremely active with many projects underway and completed. Experts like Bernshtam predict that the number of homes will continue to grow for years to come.

There is no shortage of choice for prospective buyers: everything from luxurious apartment foyers to villas with dachas, towers, and houses of every type. The question of what to choose becomes more difficult when deciding on a new home.

1. The main principle of search – prepare well! Do not visit houses without knowing at least something about them otherwise. You risk making no sense of what you see; it is even worse if something similar has already happened to you. You can start by reading articles like this one study the subject forums and magazines. And instead of just visiting houses, try to learn first-hand on the spot – on the Internet you will find detailed information about almost any new model; if you are interested in some specific house, why not try to visit it personally?

2. When viewing possible housing options, make sure that your home is budgeted on paper even before you get there! Only then can the real search begin because it is necessary to see with your own eyes what things are worthy of their price.

3. When viewing possible housing options, I recommend that you bring a notebook and record all the information necessary for you to make an informed decision. For example: distance from shops, schools and work; what kind of transport passes by and how often, what the house looks like inside and outside. What impression did you get from her neighbors?

4. Make a list of all the causes for which you can refuse to buy a certain house: wrong location, too small room for your needs, or just personal taste. This does not mean that you need to look only for the perfect house; it is important not to compromise on your first estimate, but keep in mind about what kind of housing you refuse.

5. Try to figure out how much cheaper you can buy another house with the same characteristics (which are already reflected in your budget), if some things do not suit you. Analyzing this case, you are likely to discover that you can save money if you are willing to sacrifice certain things.

6. Do not be afraid of the fact that the house is still under construction! Modern technologies allow builders to build high-quality housing even in extremely short terms. It would be unfair to say that all new homes have a high-quality finish, so before you sign a contract as a tenant with the builder or future owner, make sure that you see at least one finished house. If this is not possible, use other ways to assess its quality: talk with former tenants and visit their neighbors.

7. It is important for you to understand how much time and money you can invest in finishing the house yourself. The cost of work should be analyzed separately from the purchase price as well as to determine whether it is worth paying an additional sum for a finished property if this will save a lot of time and effort.