Gary G Friedman Looks at Bold Luxury Apartments

Gary G Friedman Looks at Bold Luxury Apartments

Politicians were traditionally known to be the ones who have second homes. However, in the wake of global expenses scandals, this is no longer the case. But some people don’t know, however, is that this has made those second homes, which are true luxury...
Chris Bugbee – How to Tell When a Teacher is Great

Chris Bugbee – How to Tell When a Teacher is Great

Teaching is one of the most honorable and respected professions in the world. Teachers are looked at with love, admiration and respect due to the place they hold in society and the fact that they are entrusted with setting our youth on a course that will cause them to...
Exploring New York with Christopher Halajian 

Exploring New York with Christopher Halajian 

Start spreading the news, I’m leaving today… Sorry I couldn’t help it.  Like Sinatra famously sang many years ago so many people want to be a part of it, it being New York and I am no different.  I have been recently exploring the city that never...