Why Your Doctor's Office Needs Clinical Waste Bins

Those who work within the healthcare industry will know that the materials that they work with can be harmful to those who are not well-versed in handling waste or medical utensils. Therefore, to help reduce the risks clinical waste brings, healthcare institutions such as hospitals and doctor’s offices will need to find the best ways to manage their waste so that they can not only protect themselves and their workers but also their patients.

If you are a doctor, nurse, or surgeon, here are some ways you can reduce the risks associated with clinical waste and how you can manage such dangerous materials.

Why Clinical Waste Bins?

Clinical waste is dangerous because healthcare waste can contain and harbor harmful microorganisms that could infect a patient, employee, or waste carriers and handlers. Therefore, to reduce this risk, doctor’s offices and hospitals need to invest in clinical waste bins and practice the best clinical waste management tips. To minimize the spread of harmful microorganisms, healthcare institutions will also want to invest in the right containers (that are properly color-coordinated) through the reliable services of a trusted clinical waste bins company that understands the importance of keeping waste stored and properly removed from the premises.

Clinical Waste Management Tips

Clinical waste needs to be properly managed if you are to reduce the likelihood of infection spreading and causing illnesses to fester amongst patients and healthcare workers. Here are a few useful tips to help you manage the waste within your doctor’s office and/or hospital.

Use Color Coded Bins

Segregate your waste so that you know what waste goes where and needs to be disposed of in a certain way. Furthermore, by segregating your clinical waste, you can help reduce costs.

Have Easy to Read Signs Posted on Clinical Waste Drop Off Spots

Advise those who are disposing of waste how to do so properly. For instance, you can avoid cross-contamination by adding a visual aid that can be nicely paired with the colors. This means including a sign detailing what can be disposed of in what bin. This can help reduce the spread of infection.

Have Control Policies in Place

Reduce the likelihood of infection by having rules in place that stop people from abusing the clinical waste bins. These rules could be:

  • Do not overfill the clinical waste bin
  • Do not open the clinical waste bin unless absolutely necessary
  • All waste needs to be thrown away and stored in a bin that has a foot-operated pedal
  • Do not remove or move the clinical waste bin (only dedicated handlers can do this)

What Should Go into Clinical Waste Bins?

Clinical waste is a broad term, and what goes into the bin is determined by the color of the bin too. However, clinical waste can refer to drugs and pharmaceutical products; swabs; dressings; needles and syringes; human tissue; blood; bodily fluids; and other sharp instruments.

Make sure you keep your patients and co-workers safe by abiding by these rules. Clinical waste can be incredibly dangerous which is why you need to keep it well managed.