Berries have many health benefits with the most notable one boosting the working of the immune system. Besides being exceptionally tasty, the berries’ rich color also makes them a suitable dessert and starter meal. Some berries can thrive anywhere in the world while others only grow in specific regions. In this article, we review the health benefits of some berries and discuss how they improve a person’s health.
Blackberries are small and have a dark appearance. More than 375 species of this fruit are spread all over the world. When ripe, they become softer and have a sweet juicy taste.
Blackberries are either consumed in their wholesome natural form as fruits at the dinner table or in other forms such as delicious blackberry syrup. With blackberry syrup, you can make a blackberry popsicle or a blackberry margarita.
The blackberry fruit packs a wide range of nutrients that are beneficial to your health. For instance, they are rich in vitamin C and are loaded with polyphenols. These nutrients serve to boost your immune system, reduce the oxidants in blood, and protect body cells against radical-induced damage. Blackberries are also low on carbs and have high fiber content. As such, they are the perfect dietary fruit for people who want to shed some weight.
Raspberries look almost like blackberries, although they are slightly smaller and reddish in color. In addition to being rich in vitamins, pre-clinical studies have also found anti-carcinogenic abilities in raspberries. They also have anti-inflammatory and tumor-suppressing capabilities.
Studies on these health benefits of raspberries, however, are not extensive enough. More research, therefore, is necessary if we are to learn more about the health benefits of these berries.
Blueberries are common and have a blue color when ripe. They are sweet and have a high carbohydrate content. They are rich in vitamin C, Vitamin K1, and manganese. Studies have found that blueberries improve insulin uptake in the body, thus making them great for people living with type 2 diabetes.
Other studies have found blueberries capable of reducing bad LDL cholesterol in human blood. They also reduce blood pressure by improving the functioning of blood arteries.
Acai berries
This species of exotic berries grow in the tropical parts of the Brazil forest. They have a bright reddish color on the outside that blends with the bright orange inner part of the fruit. These berries can be consumed while fresh, dry, or in a frozen state. The dry and frozen berries are ideal for long-term storage even though they tend to have reduced nutritional content.
These berries are considered one of the best anti-oxidants due to their high polyphenol content. One acai berry carries up to ten times more polyphenol content as compared to other berries.
Consuming acai berries in your diet on a regular basis reduces blood sugar, controls both cholesterol and insulin in the body, and reduces oxidative stress. Professional athletes consume this fruit due to its ability to increase muscle damage recovery after sessions of intense training.
Strawberries are the most consumed type of berries in the world. Although farmers grow them commercially in farms, they also grow freely in the wild. They have high vitamin-C content with studies establishing that people who consume strawberries about three times a week are 30% less likely to suffer a heart attack.
Consuming strawberries is great for your heart’s health. The berries work to reduce the risk factors of heart-related issues such as bad cholesterol and oxidative stress. They also reduce the effects of IL-6 and C-reactive protein (CRP) chemicals that bring about inflammation in your body.
The chemical make-up of strawberries is also vital in helping your body control blood sugar levels. Moreover, they will prevent you from dealing with type 2 diabetes later in life.
More studies found that the consumption of frozen or dried strawberry content in supplements reduces oxidative stress and inflammatory chemicals in people at risk of developing esophageal cancer.
Health experts recommend regular consumption of berries, a habit that could protect you from heart diseases and diabetes in your old age. This WebMD news article about the health benefits of berries explains in detail how berries are a necessary fruit for a long healthy life.