
They say that a good photo tells a thousand words. If you want to sell your property, one of the most important things is there for that you also have some good photographs available. This is your opportunity to provide a first impression of your home. More and more people will look online before looking in real life, which means that, unless you have a good photo available, they will not have faith in your proposition to sell them your home either. Al Hartman has been working in the world of real estate in Houston for many years and he knows like no other how important it is to have a good photo available.

Al Hartman on the Importance of Real Estate Photography

Real estate photography is not just important, it is actually vital to selling your property. What this also means is that you have to set up your home in such a way that it will look good on a photo. Hence, try to have neutral decor, which is appealing to everybody since they can then put their own stamp on it. Remove anything that shows that you smoke, have pets, drink, or essentially engage in a normal family life. In fact, you should even take the pictures of the walls, thereby making your home look large and spacious.

When you prepare your home for the photography, you might even want to take some of the furniture out of certain rooms or add some that really showcase your property’s assets. The more images you have available, the more likely it is that they will want to look at the house itself. However, you need to make sure that each picture is flattering and that you don’t go for overkill either. Every image should be tantalizing, raising more interest.

When it comes to the photographs of your outdoor environment, you need to make sure that it looks as if you have a really large open space. This means clearing your front and back garden of any clutter and it means taking the images when the light is right. The pictures should not look dreary or dark, so try to shoot during a sunny day.

Of course, there is more to selling a property than just the images. You also need a properly written home description in which you include all of the home’s special features and any incentives it offers that could be intriguing to a potential buyer. You need to make sure that what you write draws in the attention but doesn’t tell everything either. It needs to pique people’s curiosity, making them want to come and see it in person.

Selling a property is a lot of work, which is why you should always work with a professional agent but why you should also consider hiring a professional photographer. While this may be an investment comma you are likely to be able to put your property on the market for far more money, which means you will actually see a return on your investment.