Social distancing needs to happen now because we want to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. When there’s no host, the spread will slow. One of the reasons why it quickly transmitted around the world was the gathering of people which created hotspots which paved the way for the rapid spread of the virus.
Things might soon be over, but we can’t expect normalcy any time soon. We might even have to change the way we do things moving forward. It’s true especially with events involving hundreds upon thousands of people. For instance, if you want to have a fairground stall hire event at work, you can still pursue that plan. However, you need to have some policies in place to help safeguard the attendees.
Temperature check is necessary
These days, everyone entering business establishments have their temperature taken. It’s a protocol to prevent those who have flu-like symptoms from getting other people ill. It needs to happen even after this pandemic. It doesn’t take too much time to get people’s temperature anyway. It’s one way of preventing the same crisis from occuring again.
Avoid packed events
You need to check the seating capacity of the event venues and make sure you avoid having packed events. Don’t max out the number of attendees, so people have enough space to distance themselves from one another. For a funfair, it’s an open space so it’s okay. However, you need to ensure that there’s enough distance between people queuing for the rides.
Advise those who are ill not to attend
It might be difficult for some people to avoid attending a fun event, but it’s necessary. You have to remind your employees to be responsible. If they’re not feeling well, they need to stay home. Unless they start to feel better before the event and already checked with the doctor, they should just forego joining in the event.
Good hygiene is a must
You have to remind everyone in attendance always to wash their hands. During a funfair, there are food stalls all over the place. Children might immediately eat whatever food they buy. Remind them to wash their hands first and observe proper hygiene. You also have to remind the people providing the food to observe hygienic practices in preparing the food. It might not be the coronavirus, but other forms of bacteria might spread due to the improper handling of ingredients in food preparation.
Things will change after this pandemic, and we have to accept it. We can’t go back to our old ways and hope that we won’t get sick. We have already lost thousands of lives around the world due to our carelessness.
Sure, we can still have big events. What we can’t do is allow ourselves to stop having fun just because we got hit by this unfortunate crisis of global health. However, we need to do a better job of making sure everyone remains healthy. We owe it to ourselves and the people we love.