In recent years a new employment trend has developed in which traditional full-time positions have started to dwindle, while a greater number of businesses have chosen to increase the number of part-time positions which they offer. To discover some of the major issues, according to ShiftPixy, driving full-time employment, simply continue reading.
The issues driving “full time” employment:
- The rise of small to medium-sized businesses
While large businesses can normally afford to pay to for hundreds of full-time employees, small to medium-sized businesses often struggle to afford to pay to employ a great number of full-time employees. Especially as for each full-time employee that a business employs, the business has to pay for the employees sick leave and holiday pay. In many cases, businesses are also made to contribute to their employees’ medical insurance.
While in the past large businesses would dominate the market and there would be little room for small to medium-sized businesses to carve out niches for themselves, in recent years small to medium-sized businesses have started to thrive. As while in the past small businesses may have struggled to find a mass market, in today’s society small business owners can use the web, to reach a potential audience of millions.
As the popularity of small and medium-sized businesses has risen, many of their owners make the decision to hire a small number of full-time staff and a greater number of part-time, staff members.
- The automation of a great number of processes
Another reason why businesses are now being forced to hire more part-time staff members instead of full-time staff members is that recent developments in technology have automated a lot of processes which were previously completed by human beings. Which means that many businesses no longer have a need to employ the same volume of employees as they used to employ. As a flow-on effect, many businesses have started to offer their full-time employees, part-time contracts. In order to cut down on their operating costs!
- The demand for part-time positions has increased
Not only have a greater number of businesses started to cut down on the number of full-time positions which they offer in favor for part-time positions but the demand for part-time jobs has also risen.
Why are part-time jobs, which were once shunned by the masses, now in high demand? Part-time positions are becoming an increasingly popular as many individuals are searching for a healthier, balance between working and spending time with friends and family members and pursuing their interests. While part-time jobs are also a popular option for parents who still want to contribute to their households’ income, while still having the time and flexibility to take care of their children during the day.
While part-time positions have increased in both demand and supply, full-time positions will still be offered for the foreseeable future, just in fewer numbers. As if the trend continues, part-time positions will continue to increase in number as smaller businesses start to dominate the market and technology continues to make a lot of employees roles redundant.